About Us
About Us
Something a little different
We seek to provide something different. There are plenty of great châteaux and big houses to stay in, but we provide a place to stay that is not run of the mill!
As we renovate our Water Mill, we are mindful that the building was constructed as a factory and we try therefore to retain or complement the functional approach to the property’s past. Except where things need to be modern such as showers etc!
We also look for more environmentally sympathetic solutions too where ever we can. We have installed a wood burner to provide heating and hot water from waste wood that drifts down the river.
Find out more about our approach to energy & waste on our Green Page.
We have very different seasonal lives. In the summer we are very busy with our three principle business activities the B&B (Moulin2Roues), bike rentals (SaumurBikeHire) and canoe & kayak hire (ThouetKayaks).
Outside of the intensive summer months our efforts turn to the restoration of the mill itself. An industrial building over 250 years old with most of its working parts degraded or destroyed by the action of time and water. During the first couple of years we did some basic repairs to determine to what extent the mill and its wheels could be brought back to life and how that might look in todays world.
We have now set our goals: the production of electricity by both wheels and the ability to produce flour with the larger one. We have trialled both to prove it can work and now are working towards the longer term ambitions.
The 2 wheels now turn and we have replaced the wooden teeth on each of the associated cogwheels. We are working on replacing the shims in the axle of the larger wheel – not a straightforward job. We also have removed one of the bearing housings on the smaller wheel, the contents of which went bang during rotation test for the new teeth! The bearings have to be replaced and the housing refurbed.
We would be very grateful for any kind of help in the restoration projects particularly those with mechanical engineering or carpentry skills. Do please get in touch if you feel you could lend a hand.

Mechanism showcase
Photos © Moulin2Roues